Walking for a Healthy Heart

We all know that physical activity is good for the heart, but many people have reasons that prevent them to engage in serious physical activity. The best option for those people is regular walking as an exercise. Walking will keep the heart in good shape. Read how to start this excellent habit.

How to start?

All beginnings are difficult, sometimes painful, especially if you've been passive for a long period. In that case, it takes time for your body to get used to the new activity. Before you start, of course, you should consult a doctor to check whether you are in a good condition. Then, you have to be committed to the exercising.

If you start to use the treadmill, set the pace to roughly 5 km per hour (3.1 miles) and do not exercise more than 10 minutes. Don`t push your limits at the beginning because you can easily be demotivated. If you cross your limits at the beginning, the pain can be so hard that you will quit in the first week. Initial period is very important so you can create a habit - walking for 10 minutes.

Over time, increase the time of exercise to 20 minutes. When you reach 30 minutes, you can do several thing to make your exercise more difficult and continue to get positive results. First, you can put weights on your ankles, to increase the resistance. Second, you can increase the slope of the treadmill to simulate hill climbing. This way you will burn more calories and you will have a constant challenge.

The third thing you can do is to start jogging on the treadmill. Slow jogging can gradually become faster running if your goal is burning calories, strengthening your muscles and getting in better shape. But be careful, jogging can have negative effects on the knees, so take your time. If you start to feel pain, lower your pace or completely stop your exercising and consult a doctor.

In just a few weeks...

In just a few weeks you will start to feel real results. You will notice that you have better condition, more energy, and perhaps the best off all, you will have a much better mood. Start walking today!

1 comment:

  1. Great information! I think everyone should do this physical activity regularly to increase their body strength and get a healthy heart.back and neck pain bergen county
