How to prevent injuries while exercising

Do you remember all the times when you hurt yourself while exercising or witnessed someone else getting hurt during their training? Have you felt mild pain in any part of your body with this kind of injuries and then ignored the pain?

People who ignored these warning signs from their bodies, almost all of them ended with injuries in the places of their body that gave them these warning signs. For example, when a bodybuilder ignores the pain in his back and starts lifting maximum weight that he is able to lift, it is very probable that he will end up with a back injury, which in best case will not be so serious.

Let`s focus on the warning pain. In this case it`s not about exercising pain or pain caused by too many series - that pain is normal. We are talking about sharp or very blunt, permanent pain, which last longer and are unusual, i.e. you don`t have any known reason to have. Often these pains are very obvious.

There is always a good reason why you feel this pain. It might be a case of injury caused by over exercising, it might be connected with something that has no connection with the exercising or maybe you were sleeping in a bad position or sitting at your desk whole day which stretched your back muscles. If you go to exercise with pain like this, it is very probable that you will end up with an unpleasant injury, and more importantly - at the end you will blame the exercising, although the fault is yours.

What to do when you feel pain like this?

Some people practice full series of warm-up exercises. In cases when strained muscles are in question, these exercises help to eliminate the pain, especially if you focus on the part of the body that is in pain. if the pain disappears, you should be very careful with the exercises of that part of your body. If the pain remains, and you want to continue with your workout for that day, perform exercises around the problem area, i.e. perform exercises which don`t cause you pain.

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