General advice:
- Perform the exercises on a flat and solid surface - on the floor (on a towel) so that the exercising would be comfortable.
- Perform the exercises slowly, without rapid movements.
- In the final stages of the exercises you should stay still for 5 seconds.
- Repeat every exercise 3 to 5 times at the beginning, later up to 10 times.
- Breath normally
- Take a rest between exercises.
Note: During the exercising light pain can occur, but it should go away after the exercising is finished. Before starting with these exercises consult your doctor.
Exercise number 1 : Bending the knees
Starting position: Lay on your back. Put your arms beside you body. Keep your legs stretched.
Exercise: Grab your leg beneath your knee and pull it toward your chest. Remain in that position for 30 seconds, than do the same with our other leg.
Exercise number 2: Lifting up your legs
Starting position: Lay on your back. Knees are bend; keep your arms beside your body.
Exercise: Pull your bent leg toward your chest and then extend it. Stay in that position around 10 seconds, then lower it down and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Exercise number 3: Raising a bent leg
Starting position: Lay on your stomach, with your arms stretched out, parallel with your body. Bend one knee.
Exercise: Lift the leg with the bend knee few inches from the floor. Your pelvis should remain attached on the floor. Then loose your knee and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
Note: Do not lift your pelvic part sideways, just your leg.
Exercise number 4: Raising a stretched leg
Starting position: Sit on a chair, stretch your left leg in front of you and rely it on your heel. Right leg should be bent.
Exercise: Raise your left leg, the foot should remain under right angle.
Note: Your leg should be firmly tight.
You can expect positive feedback from these exercises in a month, maybe later, that`s why you should not give up easily. We wish you fun with your exercising!
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