Quit smoking now! (Back pain and smoking)

In the recent years, researchers discovered amazing connection between smoking and back pain. According to the research, smokers are far more prone to back pain than non-smokers. The trend applies both for men and women.

British researchers surveyed around 13.000 people about their lifestyle, including their smoking habits, occupation, level of activity and pain history. After isolating work stress and other factors that can cause back pain, the researchers concluded that smoking - individually - increased the risk of back pain occurrence for 30%. Smoking also makes people more vulnerable to neck pain, pain in the shoulders, elbows, arms, hips and knees. 

"Cigarettes affect the way the brain sends the pain signals. Smoking can also damage the tissue located in the  lower back or some other part of the body by slowing the blood circulation and reducing the flow of nutrients in the joints and muscles."

Fortunately, most back pain disappear within few days. But some back pain can last for several weeks and lead to much more serious condition.

* Acute or short-term lower back pain usually last from a few days to a few weeks. Most of the acute pain  are mechanical.

* Chronic pain in the lower back are measured by duration - the pain that lasts longer than three months is considered chronic. 

* Quitting smoking probably won`t eliminate the back pain immediately, but it sure helps a lot. Of course, quitting smoking will significantly reduce the risks of heart disease, cancer and many other diseases.


  1. Smoking is so dangerous that the stench of cigarette is repulsive to non-smoker.
    Moreover, it wastes a lot of money. So all of us irrespective of caste, creed, colour,
    religion and age should launch a massive campain against smoking.

    benefits of stop smoking
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    health effects of smoking
    benefits of quit smoking
    benefits quit smoking
    benefits to quit smoking

  2. There are a lot of effects of smoking on your health such as Cough, fever, sore throat, chills, and breathing problems. So quit smoking now.

  3. Once has to consider the alignment of lower back posture when dealing with back pain. Forward rounding shoulders can cause the rounding at the lower back which creates additional stress on the spine. The muscles in this area need to be strengthend and realigned. Visit bodyaline site

  4. Interesting point of view Albina. I will definitely have to give your suggestions a try when I get home after working out tonight. It seems I only have the pain after I have worked out and when it is stormy, I wonder if it is related. Do you have any other tips like at home remedies I can do to lessen the pain?

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